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Business transformation starts with solid leadership, a clear vision and the alignment of this direction with the people who will create it with you. Our process begins with a focus on leadership, vision and culture. Often times shifting companies from focusing purely on the transactional aspects of doing business towards creating high potential teams and corporate transformation.


Transformation is created twice...

Meet your strategist & coach Stacey Hines

Stacey has worked in the tech C-Suite & specialist roles in the US & Canada for over 15 years. Her last few years have been spent in the Caribbean where she serves on multiple boards and advisory committees for both public and private sector. She was recently named the first Jamaican female IT Fellow by the Chartered Institute of IT in the UK and voted one of the Top 50 Caribbean Women Leaders in Tech. 

A business & leadership transformation strategist, Stacey recently founded Epic Transformation, a workforce transformation consulting company that helps leaders access the tools needed for high performance while they live, love and lead from a place of wellness. Her passion project is hosting her podcast “The Balanced Lady Boss Show” where she serves women with tools for bossing the boardroom, bedroom and their bliss. Stacey is a single mother and full time caregiver of 3 children. She is a published author who also writes ebooks and articles on leadership and digital transformation. Her favorite works include her personal photo memoir 5 Year Love Affair and a deck of Daily Intention Cards to support mental wellness in adults and children.

Opportunities for Strategic Coaching

Our company focuses on offering one on one and group sessions for the following disciplines

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C-Suite Whisperer

  • Tailored strategies for today's executive team navigating the new digital norm. 
  • Leverage professional development, industry and cultural conversations
  • Create a bespoke ecosystem to equip executives with the access, influence, and intelligence needed to realize goals
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High Performance Conscious Leadership

  • Working collaboratively and creatively with senior leaders to identify performance gaps and develop strategies to fill them
  • Taking radical responsibility in a team environment
  • Strategic thinking and planning using the OKR methodology
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Femme Powered Women In Leadership

  • Strategies to define and elevate the leadership skills of women
  •  Powering up the presence and performance edge of today's female executive
  • Enhance the solution oriented thinking, accountability, responsiveness and thought leadership from your female execs